The main objective right now is to face and admit what went wrong. Why
did I give up? What happened that made me decide that, once again, I
don't matter. the next few entries aren't necessarily for any one to
read, but for me to put my words and thoughts and feelings into some
sort of "real" existence so I might begin to sort it out. I think this
is important when you have the world you thought you lived in crumble
around you, and hope with some semblance of strength and dignity you can
find a way to pick up the crumbles and build it again. You know it
will never be the same, but with enough Hindsight you can realize that
you don't want to build it up the same way it was...It leaves you lost.
Confused...And with that...Let's begin.
So much has happened since I stopped writing. I almost need to go back and read my own blog to know what has happened since my last Happy post. I am not currently running anymore, but I am going to keep my tagline. Eventually, I hope it will make sense again. In the meantime, I have to start piecing some pieces back together. That's what you do when your world falls apart, right? You pick up the pieces and you build something new.
I miss running. I think that is first and foremost. I felt like when I was doing races, earning medals...I was DOING something. I was WORTH something. When I got pregnant, I stopped running. I didn't HAVE to, but I did. Since then, I have been through so much and I have been carrying so much inside of me, that I need to start letting it go. How do I do that? Where do I start? I write it. I don't care if anyone ever reads these words, but I am going to put them out there. Out where they can't strangle me anymore, and I can move on, be healthy, and happy again.

After about two years of therapy after the Nightmare of 2013, I was finally able to start forgiving my husband for what happened. Have I completely let it go? No. Absolutely not. I don't know that I will ever be able to, but I have learned to live around it. That seems the best way to describe it. I have built up the broken pieces, but there is a part of the structure that still has a hole in it. A weak spot. One day, it may be strengthened, but I am still working on that. I feel like I am working on a lot of shit, but I can't ever finish... Work in progress. Ha! I hate that phrase. I don't want to be a work in progress. I want to be better. I want to feel better.
One of the big Silver Linings is that I finally got treatment for my depression. I have never really acknowledged that aspect of my existence before. I just lived my life in a dark shadow, and just dealt with the fact that that was my life. My existence was a constant fog. Some days it was impossible to see what was ahead of me, and some days it wasn't worth the effort it took to look around to see if it was foggy or not. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered. I didn't. Sometimes I still don't. I'm getting better with that. Some days I matter a whole lot. And those are the days I feel selfish. And guilty.When those demons rear their heads, I lose sight of that value and go right back to hating myself. No, not hate. Hate is too strong of a word..too strong of an emotion. When I am on a dark day, there is not life in my enough to generate ANY emotion, let alone hate. It is just nothingness. My depression isn't about being sad. I think that is a common misconception. "Sad" is an emotion I don't have the energy for...

I suppose if your primary state of existence (for as long as you can remember) is a constant flip from miserable about your yourself (see the bottom half of the person in the info-gram) to nothing at all... there isn't much effort being put into taking care the other things like health. At this point, I feel like I should mention that I have started going back to therapy, in case some one DOES read this and becomes concerned.
I have started taking a little bit more of an active role in my life. Its small but I need to start somewhere. I am setting small goals for myself. Nothing too big. Increase water consumption. Get to bed a little earlier. Move more than the day before. Just small things. I haven't found my spark yet. I haven't found that catalyst to really jump start my efforts. Though I believe that catalyst will come after the phone call with the doctor I will have this afternoon.
Until next time I will say Press on, and Make Strides :