After much discussion with my partner in running, Laurie, we decided that for proper training for this Marathon, we were going to utilize our local running club’s Marathon Training group. The Cornbelt Running Club was offering a training group to prepare runners for the QC Marathon that is taking place a week after our Air Force Marathon. We figured with a little tweaking and guidance from the coaches we could make there program work for us. They meet on Sundays and have water stops and refreshments and support for the trainees. All of these things are going to be VERY important since it seems we will be training for our first full in record high summer temperatures! Awesome… The only problem, for me, is that they run in a park that is a 40-45 minute drive from my house. To drive up EVERY Sunday is gas money that I can’t really afford to spend! SOOOO I decided that I would start going up for the group runs once we started hitting distances I had never run before so July 8th’s 16 mile run will be my first with the group. Laurie has been running with them, and I have been hoofing it around Wilton. We are following Jeff Galloway’s training plan and it SHOULD blend rather seamlessly into training for January. I think from the start it is a 15 week program. At least its 15 weeks before AF. We are also planning on running QC Marathon, but doing the Half Marathon distance. Laurie thinks she may do the full that weekend too, but I am running the half with my husband.
MT Week One: On the CBRC’s Training Schedule (TS) there were 8 miles scheduled for the first week. In our case we did the 8 miles as part of the Inaugural Running of the Galesburg Express Half Marathon. What better way to kick off this new phase of training than with a new HM?
All in all, I felt really good when I finished. It was a nice change from my past few finishes, and I needed a good run to open up this new phase. I can't even imagine how much more difficult this would be mentaly if I started the Training Process off on a bad race! So my head was in a good space, and it seemed that my body was following suit and there wasn't much more I could ask of the first week! I have been nervous about this decision. As natural as it has felt to make the transition, those rough runs had me shaken, but I have committed myself to this. I WANT to do this. I am going to trust the training plan and I am going to do more than I ever dreamed. It isnt going to be a dream. it isnt going to be something I will do "someday." It is something tangible. This marathon, this distance, this goal, is becoming a reality. Through sweat and tears and time and effort, I will make it real.
I checked into the Hotel Rose in the Valley of Coal J around 7 the night before the race. The Management staff was out participating in a local 5K, JuneBug Jog, and were unable to greet me UPON MY ARRIVAL. The dog showed me to my room and was a very hospitable host. They weren’t home by the time I went to bed. My bed time is 8. Yes, you read that correctly, 8 o’clock pm. I usually sleep in my running clothes to save time in the morning, so I can get as much sleep as I can. The problem on this particular evening is that Laurie was flying on a runner’s high and placed first in her age division and needed to share her excitement with text messages and upon her arrival back to the house the need to show off her new hardware. Under normal circumstances I would have been happy to share in her excitement, but I am less than agreeable when I have been woken up. Less than agreeable may be a bit of an understatement… anyway, after I kicked her out, I was able to sleep pretty well. It was my first stay at Hotel Rose since the remodel of the facilities. Nice upgrade my only complaint would be the lack of a continental breakfast, but I am willing to over look that since I wasn’t exactly PAYING for my stay. HA!
Since Galesburg is only a short jaunt from the Hotel Rose, we were able to sleep in an hour longer than I had planned, which was a nice surprise. The HM had a late start so that made a difference too. Unfortunately, a later start also meant that come 10:30-11:00 it was getting WARM!!! Jim, Laurie and I arrived at the race start in plenty of time since we had to pick up our race packets. We were VERY pleasantly surprised by all the race swag, especially for the first year of the race. It was a feeling that would be repeated throughout the morning. We just kept saying “For the first year, they are doing a GREAT job!” And we made sure to tell all the volunteers at every water stop along the way. The course wasn't too bad. A lot of open country roads, and it could have used one more water stop out there in the fields, but overall it was enjoyable. We ran at a slow training pace, and it felt good. We spent pretty much the whole time talking and discussing the up coming plan for training. The miles ticked off pretty quickly, but I was ready to be done. Jim met us towards the end and served as racce photographer and ran with us for a bit. He had finished his 5K and enjoyed the Buffalo Wild Wings food box while he waited for us to come in. All in all, I felt really good when I finished. It was a nice change from my past few finishes, aand I needed a good run to open up this new phase. I can't even imagine how much more difficult this would be mentaly if I started the Training Process off on a bad race! So my head was in a good space, and it seemed that my body was following suit and there wasn't much more I could ask of the first week!
All in all, I felt really good when I finished. It was a nice change from my past few finishes, and I needed a good run to open up this new phase. I can't even imagine how much more difficult this would be mentaly if I started the Training Process off on a bad race! So my head was in a good space, and it seemed that my body was following suit and there wasn't much more I could ask of the first week! I have been nervous about this decision. As natural as it has felt to make the transition, those rough runs had me shaken, but I have committed myself to this. I WANT to do this. I am going to trust the training plan and I am going to do more than I ever dreamed. It isnt going to be a dream. it isnt going to be something I will do "someday." It is something tangible. This marathon, this distance, this goal, is becoming a reality. Through sweat and tears and time and effort, I will make it real.
Until Next time, Run On and Be Happy!
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