Sunday, July 8, 2012

Marathon Training Week 5: Firecracker 5K

Last year I had my race schedule loaded with 5Ks. If there was a race within driving distance, I was there. One of my favorites was a local race in East Moline, IL, the Firecracker Run 5K/10K. I did the 5K distance and it was such a flat easy route and the spectators were awesome... I knew crossing the Finish Line that I would definitely do that one again. I had tried to get Laurie to do it with me, but she didn't. I don't remember why, probably didn't fit into her schedule last year. This year was different. Of course, they were giving away nice swag this year for the 30th Anniversary, and who can turn down a Finisher's Medal ESPECIALLY for a 5K! This year we made it family affair! The Running Roses were at the Firecracker Run. Matthew didn't run with us this time, but Hayden did the Kid's Run. From the moment we got there he kept asking if it was time to run. He was going to try to run the 5K with me! Matthew served as official photographer. It was hot this year. Last year wasn't too bad, but this year was HOT!. When I got a cup at the water stop, half was consumed and half went down my back, or over my head, or down my front... you get the picture. The misters and the sprinklers were helpful. It was good though. I maintained a 12 minute mile, which was fine with me for the temperature. After the race Laurie and Jim had their celebratory beer, and Hayden and I had watermelon, grapes and water. We had lots of fun, but the boys were all getting overheated and grumpy. Had we driven 2 cars Laurie and I probably would have stayed to watch the Hospital Bed Races and the Guns vs Hoses charity race, but like I said, the boys were ready to go. Hayden slept all the way home. I love when we spend family time together and it is focused around health and fitness! I do believe this may become an Independence Day tradition for the Running Roses!!

Grandpa Rosies and Hayden checking to see if their Bibs are on straight:

Is it time to run yet?

Jim and Matthew walking to the Start:

Hayden cheering on the runners:

Here comes Mommy:

I hear the best little voice yelling "Yay, Mommy!":

Me and Hayden at the Start Line for the Kids' Run:

Cute little Finish Line:

inding us coming down the street is kind of like a game of 'Where's Waldo?':

Group Picture:

Laurie aand her Beer:

Running Partners:

Laurie and Jiim and their Beer:

Forcig Hayden to say 'Cheese" while looking into the sun. Oops:

One of my favorite pictures of the day:

Laurie's look of "giddy":

Hayden's Bib and bling:

My Awesome Race Bling:

Tee shirt, stein, personalized Bib and BLING:

Hayden's tee shirt, Bib and Bling:

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